Olia Borruix welcomes you to the hitherto unknown world of ‘tree olives’.

sample of our delicious shriveled up raw "tree olives"

Tree olives” are:

  • raw
  • unprocessed
  • unadulterated
  • self-tanelised
  • naturally dehydrated
  • salt-free
  • nutrient dense
  • 100% whole-food

Tree olives” are:

Tree olives” contain:

  • the purest, and most unadulterated olive oil you will EVER encounter !
  • 100% of the fruit-flesh which grew in the olive
    • that’s right: not one single atom of nutrient, phytonutrient, or organic component is lost in the maturation process

We are one of only a handful of growers worldwide who know how to produce “tree olives“.

this is a self-cured and edible raw olive.

Tree olives” are:

We ask nature to do to each olive what nature itself does to one olive in a million. 

semi-cured raw olives - going through a natural self-induced curing process

Tree olives” retain 100% of their organic make-up. Nothing whatsoever is leached out. Here are “tree olives” part way through the tanelising process.

Tree olives” are ideal for:

  • the health conscious
  • those seeking variety in their diet
  • those seeking to eliminate processed food from their diet
  • those who appreciate even a teaspoon of bottled oil equates to dietary excess
  • those seeking to lose weight
  • those in need of laxative
  • trekkers, and backpacking expeditions
  • serving to your guests
  • those willing to try something new
  • snacking on, with your beer or wine
  • your Spanish tapas bar
  • those in need of convenience food:
    • clean and dry
    • they don’t spoil
    • they don’t go soggy (if let to breathe)
    • they leave no residue

You should experience “tree olives” for the following reasons:

  • they contain the purest and most unadulterated olive oil you will ever encounter
  • more throatiness than the ‘best’ bottled oils can ever offer
  • on account of natural variation, and 100% nutrient-density, an incredible and amazing host of flavours:
    • every single olive contains a flavour surprise
    • you will realise the olive is indeed a sweet fruit
      • and the sweetest “tree olives” are so sweet they will be known as “the holy grail

Beware, “tree olives” are:

  • moreish, and
  • addictive

You can buy “tree olives” in small quantities at:

  • various farmer’s markets around home counties UK

Johnny Fitzsimmons

proprietor Olia Borruix


Johnny, you have redefined olives! The oil barons won’t let you get away with this. They are going to kill you. It will be easier they kill you, than deal with you in the marketplace.

Raul from Jaen (Andalucia – southern Spain)

Good grief Johnny I wasn’t expecting that – did exactly what you said and wow a nutty, chewy pure natural taste, that was so more-ish. Couldn’t believe it. Thought I knew olives but they are something else. If Michelin star restaurants know about these I’m sure they would use them, because they are a premium product.

Dr. Peter Nelson from Cumbria, UK. He is doing research into the medicinal effects of oleuropein on throat and mouth infections.

If you’re sitting in a bar with a beer, these will be fatal.


You need an open mind. Initially you will reject them, because they don’t taste like olives, but after two or three you will realize they are really something special.

C.B. Montpellier

Hey man, these are top quality, I’ll ‘ave some. A.A. Luton

A.A. Luton, UK

They make a nice aperitif. I didn’t bring the others to my wife, I kept them at work for myself, and picked away at them all afternoon.

C.M. from Paris

These are something special. You need to work on recipes, and combining them with other foods. I think you are on to something.

I.D. from Shri-Lanka.

I think they are growing on me.

S.K. from Sweden

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